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As someone who writes, reviews, tastes, and loves wine I have gone through and seen many glasses – some I have been appalled with, others I have found interesting, while others have made claims that, to me, seem far-fetch (“breathable”?  I don’t think so).  

Schott Zwiesel impressed me with not only its look but its durability, and many other features:

•    Lead-free crystal glass made with Tritan® Technology
•    highly resistant to the corrosive effects of commercial dishwashers
•    Glasses won’t chip, scratch or leave spots
•    Retains clarity for life of the glass
•    Stain and break resistant

As a natural born skeptic I put these glasses through their paces to see if I could in anyway discredit the above claims – I couldn’t and I didn’t.  I am sold on Schott Zwiesel as my stem of choice and have it as the only glassware I use in my house and serve to my guests.


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I’d like you to experience what I already know, Schott Zwiesel is the best crystal on the market today…

As a reader of MichaelPinkusWineReview you have the chance to save on Schott Zwiesel stems.  Just visit the link below and use the code “MP01” when checking out to save 15% on your full order.

Use code “MP01” at check out to save 15% on your order


Schott Zwiesel (a brand of Zwiesel Kristallglas, AG) has a 130 year history of innovation and success, including such break through developments as the first machine made stemware and the first lead-free crystal glass.

With the introduction of the proprietary Tritan® Crystal technique (the result of special additives such as titanium with a unique tempering process) Schott Zwiesel has once again revolutionized the industry. Rigorous laboratory testing proves the brilliance, dishwasher safety, and break resistance of Tritan®.

Coming soon!

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